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Would Barbie be accepted in the conservative Christian community?  Barbie is a fashion icon and a role model to young girls all over the world; she embodies beauty, grace and independence. However, in the conservative Christian community they have a strong set of morals such as promoting a male oriented workforce and modest dressed woman. Barbie is described as the "All American Girl," she is a young busty, blonde haired, blue eyed gal with a resume to boot. She has numerous animals,friends and a loving boyfriend Ken. She is very much accepted into all the hearts and homes of families worldwide but is also the subject of a lot of controversy. From dominating male oriented work fields with her accessory Ken by her side, to wearing scandaleous and skimpy outfits Barbie portrays an unrealistic and over sexualized life. With that being said should Barbie be accepted into the conservative Christian community.

Think Pink - Barbie
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